Software Development
C++ Programming
C++ Classes
C++ Standard Template Library Algorithms and Operations
C++ Templates and Containers
Classes, Functions, and Object-oriented Programming
Data Types, Modifiers, Operators, and Flow Control
Functions, References, Exceptions Strings & Namespaces
Fundamentals of C++ Programming

C++ Classes

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

C++ Classes

  • start the course
  • create a class in C++
  • add a private member to a class in C++
  • add a protected member to a class in C++
  • add public members to a class in C++
  • create a class constructor in C++
  • create a class deconstructor in C++
  • create a class with overloaded constructors in C++
  • create a class with a default constructor in C++
  • create a pointer in C++
  • create a struct in C++
  • create a union class type in C++
  • create a class with overloaded operators in C++
  • create and use classes in a C++ application

A class defines what an object is and includes the data and functions for manipulating that data. Discover how to correctly define and use classes in your C++ programs.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

C++ Standard Template Library Algorithms and Operations

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

C++ Standard Template Library Algorithms and Operations

  • start the course
  • describe the key features of Standard Template Library algorithms including nonmodifying vs. modifying
  • use the std::for_each expression in C++
  • recognize iterators using find in C++
  • use the std::find_if in C++
  • demonstrate how to use nonmodifying algorithms with containers
  • use iterators to copy and move in C++
  • use std::replace in C++
  • demonstrate how to use modifying algorithms with containers
  • use std::sort expression in C++
  • recognize iterators using sort in C++
  • use Standard Template Library Sorting with Containers in C++
  • use Standard Template Library Sorting with Objects in C++
  • use std::merge in C++
  • use std::includes in C++
  • work with Standard Template Library Operations for sets in C++
  • work with modifying, nonmodifying, sorting, and merging algorithms and operations in C++

The C++ Standard Template Library is a set of template classes that let you easily implement common algorithms and data structures. Explore the Standard Library algorithms and operations, including sorting and merging.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

C++ Templates and Containers

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

C++ Templates and Containers

  • start the course
  • describe the key features of C++ templates, including when they should or shouldn't be used
  • declare and use a function template in C++
  • declare and use a class template in C++
  • describe the key features of Standard Template Library sequential containers including when they should or shouldn't be used
  • write a C++ program using a list from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using a vector from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using deque from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using array from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using a queue from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using priority_queue from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using a stack from the Standard Template Library
  • describe the key types and features of Standard Template Library associative containers including when they should or shouldn't be used
  • write a C++ program using a set from the Standard Template Library
  • write a C++ program using a map from the Standard Template Library
  • demonstrate how to incorporate objects into set and map
  • demonstrate how to work with sequential and associative containers in C++

Containers are implemented as class templates and are used to replicate structures such as arrays, queues, stacks, and lists. In this course, you'll learn how to use templates and containers in your C++ programs.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

Classes, Functions, and Object-oriented Programming

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Classes, Functions, and Object-oriented Programming

  • start the course
  • overload operators in C++ custom classes
  • pass objects as function arguments in C++
  • create C++ virtual functions
  • create abstract and interface classes in C++
  • create a class using the "this" keyword in C++
  • create a C++ class with static members
  • declare a friend function in C++
  • declare a friend class in C++
  • create a class in C++ that utilizes encapsulation
  • create a C++ class with inheritance
  • create a C++ class with multiple inheritance
  • create an application that incorporates OOP techniques

Object-oriented programming is based on the use of objects created from class definitions. Explore the basics of creating custom classes and object-oriented programming principles such as encapsulation and inheritance in C++.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

Data Types, Modifiers, Operators, and Flow Control

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Data Types, Modifiers, Operators, and Flow Control

  • start the course
  • recognize the characteristics of C++ data types
  • work with UTF-16, UTF-32, and wide characters in C++
  • work with C++ data type modifiers
  • use arithmetic operators in a C++ program
  • work with relational and logical operators in C++
  • work with bitwise operators in C++
  • work with assignment operators in C++
  • work with compound assignment operators in C++
  • use the if statement for branching in C++ programs
  • use a for loop in C++ programs
  • use a while loop in C++ programs
  • use a do while loop in C++
  • use the switch statement in C++ programs
  • create a basic C++ application using data types and looping constructs

C++ is a typed language, it is vital you understand how to correctly work with data. In this course you will explore the data types in C++, work with modifiers and operators, and learn how to manage flow control in your C++ programs.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

Functions, References, Exceptions Strings & Namespaces

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Functions, References, Exceptions Strings & Namespaces

  • start the course
  • define default arguments for a function in C++
  • write an inline function in C++
  • write overloaded functions in C++
  • pass pointers as arguments to functions in C++
  • use references in C++
  • use references as function arguments in C++
  • use references as function return values in C++
  • use asserts for troubleshooting in C++ programs
  • implement exception handling in C++ programs
  • use nothrow new to suppress allocation exceptions in C++
  • use the C++ string class
  • use the C++ wide string class
  • work with C-style string in C++
  • work with null terminated strings in C++
  • declare a namespace in C++
  • use a namespace in C++
  • create a namespace alias in C++
  • create a C++ application using the std namespace
  • create an application that uses C++ functions, exceptions, and strings

A function is a group of statements that performs a specific task, and may or may not return a value after execution. Explore the basics of creating custom functions, using strings, handling exceptions, and including namespaces in C++.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

Fundamentals of C++ Programming

Course Number:
Lesson Objectives

Fundamentals of C++ Programming

  • start the course
  • recognize the characteristics and uses of the C++ programming language, and identify the main libraries it uses
  • download and install Eclipse for C and C++ development
  • use Eclipse to create a new C++ project
  • install and compile C++ programs with GCC on Linux or Unix systems
  • create C++ projects in Visual Studio
  • describe the structure of a C++ program
  • recognize the major syntax differences between C++ and C
  • work with C++ I/O streams
  • use the C++ preprocessor
  • parse command line arguments in C++
  • divide code into header and source file pairs in C++
  • recognize the main parts of a C++ program and describe the use of the preprocessor

Based on C, C++ is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language. Learn how to set up a development environment and explore the fundamentals of C++, including program structure, I/O streams, and header and source files.

Target Audience
Individuals looking to learn C++ programming, or experienced C++ programmers wishing to refresh or improve their skills

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